Now I'm definitely not in a position where I am ready to walk away from my career, nor am I even wanting to. I have found that the confidence I've gained knowing that I can truly achieve financial freedom and it's not a matter of if, but when, has instilled in me a stronger work ethic when I am at my job. Now I'm even more determined to work harder while I'm there because the bigger I can make my quarterly bonus, the more money I will have to invest and the faster I will achieve financial freedom. If you can't tell, I'm pretty excited about the opportunities that are starting to find me. Tomorrow I will be travelling out of town to investigate another potential income opportunity for me that if you had told me 6 months ago was a possibility, I would have told you that it would be impossible.
I truly hope that those working towards financial freedom can gain a little bit of confidence from what I'm writing here. If you have your own success stories, please send them to me. I would love to start a network group of people that are working towards financial freedom so that we could bounce ideas off each other and keep each other motivated. If anyone is interested, let me know.